Info: Renewed invitations are only active for 24 hours

Users in MyServices can be marked with one of three statuses, which indicate whether or not they have accepted your invitation or if their invitation has expired.

Invitation sent

Every time you invite new users to MyServices, we will mark them with this status until they accept your invitation. You can send a new invitation to a user with this status, or you can revoke a sent invitation.

Invitation expired

This status is used to indicate users who have not accepted your invitation within 24 hours of sending it, and therefore their invitation has expired. You can send a new invitation to a user with this status, or you can delete information about their invitation.


Users who successfully accept your invitation and log in to MyServices are marked with Active status, and we also add information about the last time they logged in to MyServices. You can edit the settings of active users or remove their access to MyServices.